Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Virgin Media - time to go

So Virgin Media came out and said they don't believe in Net Neutrality.

Nice article


So what does that mean -

well basically things will get to your computer faster if the owner has paid. So some web shops could run faster, some online TV services faster, the same with standard information web sites. Though this has dangerous commercial consequences the graver concerns is the civil liberties.

Imagine a web service were some sites take a significantly longer time to load (2 more secs - a life on the web) how many people would never few that site. And how easy would it be to corrode this level of service to complete denial, hey if takes more than 20 secs would anyone ever see it.

So im about to move house into a cable area, but i'll be taking BT with me (not that they have impressed me) because net neutrality matters to me.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

BT its all bad

So Broadband in the UK is in a sorry state,
Phorm is just a new low (see here)

actually IP network is in a sorry state

They claim iPlayer will kill everything we take for granted

Now iPlayer and IPTV does mean that people will actually use there internet connections fully something that the ISPs just cant deal with. Hence the disappearance of the all you can use.

But this was all ways going to happen so why is there nothing in place, its not like Fiber and Gigabit are new technology.

Maybe BBC will put a proxy in every exchange (sort of works short term)

But this is a large issue caused by the current network topology and our reliance of a few significant backbones - maybe its mesh time.